23 Nov 2020
International FLS Corp is delighted to be reinvited as a speaker in GET again to share about her vision and innovation in digital education
In November 2020, Ms Cha Pei Pei, the co-founder of International FLS Corp, was invited to speak at the Beijing Global Education Technology Summit (GET 2020), a major event that gathered over 13,000 educators, innovators and decision makers from 34 countries.
GET 2020 was a platform for excellent education practitioners to share their insights, experience and solutions on how to leverage technology for effective learning outcomes.
Ms Cha, who is also an ASEAN scholar in NUS and a master’s degree holder in education from the University of Western Australia, spoke on the topic of “东西兼容,面向未来,新加坡打造全球顶尖数字教育的持续变革之路” (Integrating East and West, Facing the Future: Singapore’s Journey of Building a World-Class Digital Education System).
She shared her vision and innovation in digital education, and praised Singapore’s digital education system as a model for other countries to learn from.
She also showcased some of the features and benefits of their online learning platform and curriculum, which catered to the changing needs and preferences of students and parents in the post-COVID-19 era.
She also highlighted how Singapore had achieved a high level of digital literacy and competence among its students and teachers through its holistic and progressive education policies and practices.
Ms Cha was cited in an article from Sohu.com: https://www.sohu.com/a/435333732_115563